• 2023 Blazing Trails for Brain Injury Event - Call for Sponsors

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    February 15, 2023

    The Brain Injury Alliance of Nebraska is excited to announce the Call for Sponsors for its 2023 Blazing Trails for Brain Injury 5K Run, 1 Mile Walk/Roll fundraising event. The event will be held on Saturday, June 3 from 8:30 a.m. to Noon, and is jointly supported by Blue Cross Blue Shield of Nebraska and CHAD Nebraska through a Health of Nebraska Sponsorship. 

    About Blazing Trails for Brain Injury

    The Blazing Trails 5K Run, 1 Mile Walk/Roll fundraising event is a fun and engaging opportunity for people of all ages and abilities to raise awareness and funds for brain injury. On average, between 100 – 200 people participate in the event making it a great way to make an impact and interact with the community as an organization.

    Sponsorship Opportunities

    The Brain Injury Alliance of Nebraska offers sponsorship opportunities for the Blazing Trails for Brain Injury at Mastermind, Brainiac, Brain Booster, and Brain Teaser tiers. The sponsorship registration deadline is March 29, 2023.

    As a sponsor, you receive visibility opportunities through channels such as:

    • Our email newsletter and promotional emails with an average subscriber base of over 2,000 people and an open rate of 30%.

    • Our Facebook page with a total of over 2,000 followers.

    • Our printed promotional materials for the event (flyers and postcards).

    • Race day materials such as mile marker signs, race day packets, and the commemorative t-shirt.

    • A sponsor table on the day of the event.

    Most importantly, your sponsorship does more than help pay for the costs of the event. The funds received help make a difference across the state of Nebraska by supporting the Brain Injury Alliance of Nebraska’s work to build community support networks for individuals and families affected by brain injury. 

    Learn more about the impact of your sponsorship dollars by downloading the sponsorship information packet at: https://biane.org/2023-blazing-trails-event/sponsorship.html

    Questions about sponsorships can be directed to Brittney Lippincott at brittney@biane.org or 402-683-0724.
    Brittney Lippincott, Marketing & Special Events Coordinator
    brittney@biane.org, (402) 683-0724
  • Upcoming Events

  • Refunds for credit card payments will be issued as a check paid to the company under which the registration was made. A 10% procession fee will be deducted from the refund amount.